Thursday, June 4, 2009

Just Being Real- Balance

Happy Thursday Ladies!!!

I pray  that you will bear with me in developing a consistent routine for posting.

Everyday that I wake up, the first person or thing to come to my mind is Jesus, because I know it is only the Lord who wakes me up daily and protects me as I sleep.  However, I have to be real, I am struggling with finding a balance in life.  Though Jesus is the first person I think of and I think of God's awesomeness throughout my day, I realize that I lack in other areas of my relationship with God.  I talk to him throughout my day, not always in an on my knees manner, but I sometimes find it hard to balance my time to make sure that I read His word the way I should and would like to.  Sometimes, I (and you too) get so caught up in living, of which I am really trying to do for my heavenly father, that by the time, i realize I have not taken a period of time to study and meditate on His word, it is late, I am sleepy, and feel like the word won't sink in in my sleepy state.  In my growth I realize that God appreciates realness, because He can not work with us if we are not 'keeping it real.'  Lately, I have been saying to God, Lord I don't know why or how I slack on reading your word, but please enter my heart so that I may desire you and your word more.  I know this is not my only flaw in my relationship with God, but this has been heavy on my heart.  Though it plagues me and makes me feel like I am failing God at times, He is so wonderful, because he gently gives me peace and lets me know that He is still here and that he sees and knows my heart and He is and will continue working on me.  God is so forgiving and understanding!!!  It is insane! ( Sidenote: How wonderful would the world be if we were more forgiving?)  I know I am not the only one who needs to get real with herself and God or ho has flaws in their relationship with God, but pray that you not give up on your relationship with God just because you maybe slacking in some area.  God's love never waivers, and He is just waiting on us to call out to him for help!!!

Live, Love, Be Happy



  1. I soo know what you mean. I struggle with taking time out for the Word as well. I've recently began waking up earlier inthe morning to spend time with God. Im not a morning person but starting my day out with God is the best hing I can do for myself. It help sets the foundation for how my day will go. Trying to do it in the evening before I go to bed or during the day is hard. I'm tired, a ton of crap is on my mind, and I cant focus like I want to. But in the morning, I'm fresh and ready to go and can truly concentrate (although the first few days I was falling asleep).

    I believe we are all constantly struggling to find balance in life. And honestly, I dont believe we'll ever truly find it, or at least be able to maintain. B/c even inthe Bible it says we must FIGHT the good fight of faith. Meaning we are always going to be in constant battle with this vehicle called our flesh. All we can do is continue to strive for the best and allow God to take us to higher heights.

    Be encouraged and I'll be following your blog! ^_^


  2. Tupieta, thanks for checking out my blog! It is such a blessing to know I am not the only one who struggles with this. I am going to work on studying the word when I first wake up, before my day consumes me or I get too distracted. You are right, we must both keep up the FIGHT on a daily, which honestly is a blessing in itself (that God allows us to keep trying anew each day)!!

    I am so encouraged, and I pray that you will be blessed and encouraged as you follow my blog!!!!
