Happy Hump Day Lovelies!
Ok, so first apologies are due, because I have neglected writing for over a week. I have been kinda busy trying to maintain and venture into new things. By the way, I passed my TExES content exam; Praise God!!! When I got the news I was hall monitoring during the TAKS test, so I had to quietly praise God for seeing me through that test with a passing grade, instead running and shouting and screaming down the hallway like I really wanted to.
I knew I was in a school, and there is supposed to be a separation of church and state, but ladies, I really could not hold my peace. So you know what I did, I went to the restroom and had a small and brief praise party, lol. God is too awesome, not to give him the praise that he is due. The Bible says that God works the extraordinary not the ordinary, and if I can be real about my testing ability on April 4, 2009, God was being extraordinary when I got that passing score! I was so nervous, even seconds before I opened the score on my iPhone, which has gotten me to thinking lately. Why was I doubting God? True enough, I know I was falling asleep (not literally but very close LOL) during the test, had no idea about one of the works I was supposed to write about in my comparative essay, and felt like the stuff I studied in my test prep materials was not on the test. But, I had prayed to God about that thing on many occasions, including right before I started testing, yet I did not have faith that I would do good enough.
And you know what, God showed me baby! When I saw that score, I felt God say "I got you baby girl." It was such an awesome feeling, knowing that though I was doubtful, He had already taken care of me and reminded me that I had no reason to doubt! All it takes is faith in God and his wonderful abilities, for extraordinary things to happen. All he is doing, is waiting is for us to ask Him and believe in him. Sometimes, our prayers don't get answered, because we ask without believing. God wants to do great works in our lives, but we fail to ask. (I'm talking to myself too lovelies) So, from this day forward, lets talk to God, tell him the desires of our heart (according to his will and word of course), and believe in Him to do great things (in His time, not ours)!
La Vie, L'Amour, Etre Hereux (Live, Love, Be Happy),